Awaken the Wisdom Within

Hi! I’m Lauren… Herbalist, Dreamweaver, Teacher, Author, Devotee to Mother Earth.

If you’re seeking a path to INNER-UNDER-STANDING then allow me to re-introduce you to two of your original birthrites… kinship with the healing plants, and your own direct line to soul via your dreams. 


Learn Dreamweaving…

in alliance with the Stream of Your Soul, the Healing Plants & The Web of Life

Herbs and Dreams serve as portals to the ancient wisdom within, beneath and all around you. Both awaken within the noblest of our original design and equip us with the very inner and outer skills these times, and future generations, require of us.

The result of turning towards the plants and your dreams usually leaves you with the satisfying-beyond-words feeling of…

I am a member of the Web of Life

The Earth is my mother

The plants are my kin

All of life is related to me

My dreams are a direct-line to my own soul, to Source and to the whole miraculous, entangled Web of Life

And… magic is real!

The great merciful blessing is that a sense of belonging, connection and everyday enchantment are returned to us along the way.

As we ride the waves of turmoil, I invite you to join me in carrying these seeds through the collective birth portal... Just as our wise ancestors have done across the ages in their hedgerows, kitchens, healing huts, around their fires and cauldrons, in their gardens and in their dreams.

All you will find here - whether it’s 1:1 healing work, in-person community gatherings, or online teachings - is devoted to awakening the wisdom within, weaving more soul into this world, and dreaming a beautiful future where All Life thrives.

If you’re new here and want a sense of the vibe, check out my free private podcast The Beginner’s Path, my Dreamweaving Blog plus some other free written ebooks and guides.

Thank you for being here - on this Earth, at this time! We got this!

With Great Love, Lauren

What People Say

"Lauren teaches with authenticity, deep knowledge born of long experience, passion, and so much care. She is delightful to learn from. Honestly, I feel like this class opened a doorway to a fundamental birthright that I had never been taught… I feel like I’ve been living my whole life with one of my primary senses shut off. Now it has opened and life will never be the same again. More and more, I am becoming part of the weave of earth, plant, and spirit magic and my dreams are a portal for guidance to flow to me." - Kimberly Gallagher, herbalist and priestess

“I’m grateful to Lauren for providing such a safe and encouraging place for me to explore my inner spirit life. Lauren is so thoughtful and compassionate, she makes it easy and fun finding the depths of my own human spirit.” - Dr. Heidi Thielmann, relationship coach and healer

The Beginner’s Path

FREE Podclass-Lovecast Audio Teaching Series w/ Lauren Morgan

Dive in to learning dreamweaving, herbal practices and reconnection tools from your home (or car, or trail!). Receive access to dozens of lessons, meditations and tidbits with more released every week!