Women’s Spirit Healing 

This time of healing, held in a ceremonial container in The Dream Barn, may include song, body wrapping, drumming, rattling, smudging, energy work, shamanic healing methods, blessings and prayer. 

While my training is extensive, the best of what I have to share was forged in the fires of living and healing my own body, mind and spirit. I, too, have been to the depths a few times now and there have learned about the incredible resilience of the female spirit to heal. I’ve also experienced firsthard, and with the many women I’ve supported, how there are certain pains, wounds and grievances that can only be addressed and healed ceremonially.

I work in conjunction with The Grandmothers - the name this wisdom stream gave herself for the from everywhere and all times lineage of the divine feminine and ancient, Original Mother. I also work with my own ancestral grandmothers, the grandmothers of the land where I live and Grandmother Earth.

I utilize the ancient technologies of drum, song, prayer, blessing, plants and intuition to tend to women, helping them heal from their losses, release that which has grown stagnant and integrate the power and wisdom from life’s journey. We will bless the beauty, connection and greater sense of purpose that emerges from our initiations when we are well tended to. 

This work is ceremonial in nature. Far more than just personal healing, ceremony also feeds the threads that connect us to the Earth, to the ancestors who came before us, and to our own inner streams of purpose, power and love. 

When we heal, the Earth heals. 

This work is offered on a case-by-case basis.

Reach Out to Inquire about Availability

Some of the reasons women come for healing include:

  • Reclaiming voice, power and soul following hardship.

  • Growing destiny and dreams.

  • Integration, processing and closing after childbirth.

  • Honoring and integrating abortion or miscarriage.

  • Menstrual challenges, pelvic discomfort or infertility.

  • Reclaiming sovereignty and energetic boundaries from challenging situations.

  • Other special circumstances.

“I have seen Lauren for many types of healing work over the years. I have also had the opportunity to learn from her, and participate in her ceremonies. I implicitly trust Lauren, and I believe her to be someone who is of the utmost integrity. Lauren is incredibly gifted, extremely articulate, highly intelligent, and full of compassion. Her intuitive and healing skills are powerful and have changed my life for the better on multiple occasions. It’s undeniable.”

-Katy P.