Grow your connection to Soul, Source, Earth and the Web of Life. Keep the skills of dreaming alive for yourself and for future generations.

This course grounds you deeply into the bones of a personal dreamweaving practice, equipping you for a lifetime of remembering, inner-under-standing and taking action on your dreams.

Along the way your sense of belonging, enchantment, soulfulness and everyday magic will be amplified.

DREAM… What happens in your brain when you sleep.

WEAVING… What you DO, create, choose+offer up to this world.

DREAMWEAVING… Create your life from what you dream .

Calling the Earth Dreamers!

That’s you - that’s all of us. Why? Because human beings - you and me - arrived to this world with the power to dream. We came fully stocked with its capacity.

You probably forgot… many of us born into this time and place have. I did for many years - it was torturous on a soul-level, to not have access to that source, my source, that in a primal way I knew was my birthrite.

It's no fault of your own that you have forgotten, of course, it's just a part of being born into a dream-impoverished culture. One that didn’t raise you up with the reflective modeling that your dreams are sacred, holy, whisperings from the broader forces of life and your own soul. Had this been modeled to you, a course like this would not be necessary. It would just be the way it is. It’s the way it was for all of our people when we lived in a Earth-centric, land-centered way. May this be so again for our children and future generations. (Learn how to do that here, by the way.)

But I have good news - because dreaming is wired into your neurology, it was evolved as an adaptive strategy by your ancestors - YOU are a dreamer.

And you are a dreamweaver.

This course helps you ground into the knowing, the believing and the DOING of all of that. You will finish up with an empowered-in-the-cells knowing that…

Yes! I, too, have a direct line to soul knowledge, Earth knowledge and timeless wisdom - each and every night when I sleep. And that magic transfers into my waking life too!

And you will know how to do it, for the rest of your life. You can teach it to your kids too.

Why Dreamweaving, Why Now? 

Did you now that dreams - what happens in our brains when we sleep - just may be the last frontier of human consciousness… a final stronghold of neurological terrain that isn’t currently being hijacked, commodified and ultimately atrophied by the overculture’s madness that you and I know we need to find, and dream, our way out of?

Many of us want to unravel from this marching onslaught of technological progress including but not limited to…

  • the usurpation of our innate Spirit-given neurological capacities that were co-evolved by our ancestors living on and with Mother Earth, our home, over thousands of years…

  • the rapid dwindling of free, sovereign thinking, imagination and DREAMING…

  • thereby outsourcing our ability to DREAM a future fueled by what is soulful, natural, interconnected and Beautiful…

But how do we actually do it? How do we actually choose a different way, and stand for something Beautiful, holy and real?

How do we keep the neurological threads of imagination, interconnection and Beauty alive? And not just for ourselves, but for all of our future descendants. Because what we allow happen to our brains, happens to all of future humanity, y’all.

Well, one INCREDIBLE way we can unspell from the overculture’s grasp is via the DREAMS and our capacity to have them!

The Terrain We Traverse…

  • You were born into in a dream-impoverished time, so our first job is to change that. We re-populate your mind with dream-affirming beliefs that are free from the overculture's grasp such as

    • dreams are messages from my soul to wake me up from the sleep of this world.

    • dreams are love letters from source.

    • dreams are a direct connection to the Web of Life and all of Nature.

    • dreams come to support my health, my wholeness, my remembrance, my relationality with loved ones and life, my creativity and my DESTINY.

    …And how believing these things about dreams encourages dreams to keep it up.

    PLANT ALLY: Mugwort, the Dreamweaver

  • We all dream 4-7x every night, but very very few of us remember that many dreams. It's not uncommon for people to not remember a single dream for years or decades.

    Thankfully, though we may have given up on them, our dreams have not given up on us. 

    In this lesson we explore the reasons why many of us have stopped re-membering, and covers the essential (and simple!) steps to turning our remembering power back on.

    Here you will learn:

    • a step by step process for improving dream recall

    • the ins, outs and how-tos of building and sustaining a dream journal practice

    • how to re-grow our atrophied dream recall muscles

    • how dreams are not supposed to make sense - and just accepting this unblocks the dam of dreaming's flow.

    •  ...and much more dreamweaving magic tidbits that will inspire you tor devotion to dreams and their messages.  

    PLANT ALLY: Rosemary for Remembrance

  • Dreams sprinkle us golden breadcrumbs on the path of and re-membering. Our job when awake is to follow those breadcrumbs and discover the gold they lead us to.

    We explore how, as Jeremy Taylor said, no dream comes to tell us what we already know, and therefore our job as dreamers is to - for lack of a better phrase - "hack our ego" to figure out their higher, broader meaning.

    We cover allllll the many daytime waking practices available to help us on our endeavors…

    As well as the most common inner roadblocks dreamers encounter as they traverse the path of dreaming. Overwhelm, Disappointment, Frustration, Escapism, Rigid Thinking and Ego Inflation.

    PLANT ALLY: Juniper, The Sight of the Saints

  • Dreams have infinite meanings, they never mean just one thing.

    And yet, our job as human beings is to find a meaning that resonates with us so that we can be in relationship with them, and it is precisely this meaning that we weave into our bodies, lives and world.

    This juicy lesson covers how to go about deciphering their nuggets, and all the different perspectives we can consider as we consult the council table of the world. 

    After duing our due diligences to discernment, we can then go deeper, broader, higher to explore how anything goes in the dreamworld to cover all the other transpersonal occurrences that occur in dreams such as past lives, parallel lives, visitations from master teachers, seeding of creative projects, spiritual advancement practices, visitations from loved ones and ancestors, insight on waking life loved ones, dreams of land and place... and much much more. 

    PLANT ALLY: Rose, The Harmonious Soul

  • As Jane Austen said "It isn't what we say or think that defines us, it's what we do." I'd add to that that it isn't what we dream that defines us, but what we do with the dreams.

    Dreams come up to us because they want to live in this world. They do so through our bodies, our voices, hands, feet, our creations. If we want to do dreams justice, and we want our lives to be composed of the very stuff of our souls, then we have to DO something with the dreams that we remember.

    These somethings can be called action steps. This is magic-making, this is bridging between the worlds, this is co-creatig with Spirit. This is the weaving half of dreamweaving. 

    In this lesson we cover WHAT we can DO with the dreams to ground their energies into this world.

    PLANT ALLY: Stinging Nettle, The Here and Now

  • Land-and-Earth centered peoples all around the world have a name for it, for HER - the consciousness of the Earth. It's a FACT (Yes, I consider it a fact) that she is our mother, that we are in no way separate from her.

    Because we are here alive on this Earth, we are a part of her. Just as every cell in your body is a part of you and is in no way separate from you. 

    Here we explore how dreams are one of the most effective ways that we can receive instructions from Mother Earth on what it is that is ours to do in the web of life. These instructions may be no less than our destiny. When each of us receives these instructions from the Earth's dream, and enacts/weaves that destiny - we just may be helping restore Mother Earth into the great dream she has for herself.  

    We explore how to be more receptive to the Dream of the Earth,  including dreaming AND non-dreaming practices.

    And how if we turn this vibration towards our dreamweaving practices - we expand the benefit of that which we touch in our dreams to include all of life - which is all our shared kin on Mother Earth.

    PLANT ALLY: Western Red Cedar, Anchor Into Belonging

  • Our job as dreamweavers is to blend the worlds of Dream and Awake, here we explore how this looks and feels on the daily, including the absolutely delicious results yileded by this way of life.

    We explore how we never arrive to a final destination, rather we continue on the journey of following breadcrumbs... while the sense of belonging, purposefulness and everyday magic steadily grows alongside.

    If we stay dedicated to the practices we've developed - we provide a grounded container for the neverending transcendent, magical, magnanimous power of dreams to continue and continue and continue and continue...... 

    To create a life of dreamweaving. Which is magic.

    Suggestions to form your own Dream Group are provided - and the next lesson will provide you a roadmap on how to do just that!

Dreamweaving is a self-guided, self-paced course… delivered through Kajabi. Upon enrollment, you will be prompted to make an account with Kabaji after which you’ll be able to access it from any device.

The Main Course of the Course… is 15 Audio Teachings grouped together into 7 Lessons.

Each lesson has 1-3 Audios ranging from 15-60 minutes long.

Herbs Are Included to help ground the teachings. As you know, I find the marraige of herbs with dreaming incredibly potent and magical. It’s an obvious match. In this course, the plant’s medicine usually shows up to help address whatever is coming up in regards to dreaming practice at juuuust the right moment. There’s a short audio teaching and self-care ritual for each of the 6 herbs: Mugwort, Rosemary, Juniper, Rose, Nettle and Western Red Cedar

Frequently Asked Questions…

How long does Dreamweaving take to complete?

Everyone’s flow is different. There’s around 10 hours of audio content to work through. Since my style of teaching is fairly transmission-based, it can be nice to take it slow to give it time to digest, ground and integrate.

One lesson per week is an average flow. But if you’re really on fire and burning with desire for the dreams (this often happens) then go ahead and plow through it, and you will probably go back and decide to re-listen to various bite-size Audios. This is great too.

You can listen to them in bite-size chunks as works with your own life flow.

Why are the lessons on Audio and not Video?

Dreamweaving was recorded with just me and my mic, seated in meditative pose with my eyes closed in The Dream Barn. I go deep in the zone in this set up, and feel the quality of the content turns out much, much better. Plus, both of our eyeballs need a break from screens - yours and mine. With audio your imagination can fill out the inner threads - this keeps your ability to use your imagination alive… which is something future generations really, really need us to maintain the capacity for. As a multi-tasking mom, I also appreciate the ability to listen on the go and think you might too.

What if I don’t remember any dreams?

This course is perfect for you. 99% of folks start remembering dreams by the time they’re done with one of my courses.

What if I already remember tons of dreams?

This course is perfect for you. You will now, at long last, know WHAT to DO with them and how to weave with them into your life to change your life.