You Were Born a Dreamer

Human beings are dreamers. You arrived to this world with the power of dreamweaving.

Those who’ve been blessed to hold an infant can attest that brand newly arrived babies possess that same numinous, otherworldly quality that characterizes dreams. The same air of mystery and holy. 

Like dreams, newborn babies live in the intersection between this world and the Otherworld, as my Celtic ancestors called the dream world that is just there on the other side of the veil.  Having spent most of their time in the Otherworld, newborns have one foot in the realm of Dream and one foot in the realm of Awake, which is why the energy around them is so magical in those first few weeks of life on Earth. It’s as though we are touching a dream. Any who’ve beheld a newborn will recognize this transcendent quality I’m speaking of  - it is holy indeed. 

The very same is true of our dreams.

Who are you? Why have you come here? Who will you become? 

Are questions that mothers and fathers across time have whispered into the ears, eyes and souls of their babies as they gaze upon their holiness, pondering the mystery of their arrival to this world. This energy of utter devotion and absolute obsession that parents bring to their newborns, is the same energy we’d be wise to bring to our dreams. When dreams slip through into this world, it’s a blessed miracle and we are indeed, in the presence of something sacred.  

For our dreams to thrive we must love them.  Like babies, our dreams are precious.  And like babies, they require our attention, love, care, praise and affection in order to not only survive, but to thrive. To become a rich dreamer, we are to prostrate ourselves at their very precious feet with nothing short of devotion.  Dreams require this in order to be woven into this world, and weaving them into this world is, the point.

We bring our babies to this world so that they can live and thrive here. We turn towards our dreams in hopes that they, too, might be woven into the fabric of this place; a world that desperately needs to be dreamt by new dreams.

We all arrive to this world as dreamers. Our ancient ancestors, our great-great-grandparents, our parents, our children - all come to this world as magical newborns with the power to dream.  Yet these days, most people remember very few dreams. And those that do remember, certainly don’t do much of anything with them.  For many, our dreamers have simply left us. 

Why has our dreaming newborn left? There are many reasons, and unfortunately many forces that have a stake in our dreamer leaving.  The first and most primary reason is that our mothers and fathers, the first gods in our lives, by the time they became parents, did not value or know how to nurture our dreamers. It is no fault of their own of course, they like us were simply born into a time of dream poverty. School, media, collective thought forms, culture… none of these nurtured our dreamers, and in many cases actively sought to stuff them out. 

But had our mothers and fathers been taught how to value and nurture our dreamers, then perhaps an element of that dreamy transcendent newborn part of us who is completely at home in the spirit world, would have been carried through time.  I think this is the truth for most of us, that our dreamers left simply because they were not witnessed.  As is true of all things in life, in order to flourish we must be seen. If we are not witnessed, then we wither away into the realm of the forgotten, just like so many of our dream visitations.  

You were born a dreamer. Even if you are in a chapter of not remembering your dreams, they are right there - waiting for you on the other side of your dream door. If you’re sleeping, then you are dreaming. You’ve just temporarily developed a habit of forgetting. But fear not - the dreams are waiting there, longing for your remembrance. All they are waiting for is your attention, your interest and your love. Then they will thrive, soar and shine their medicine into this world.


To Remember Why You Came, Dream the World


Remembering How to Remember Dreams