How to Learn About Plants: Herbalism for Beginners
For those beautiful souls just embarking on the journey of learning herbalism, I’m here to tell you - don’t go into overwhelm. Instead, focus on building relationships. Focus on falling in love. Love will lie a steady foundation to hold you for a lifetime of seasonal herbalism, serving yourself and those around you by the fruits of your love.
Meditation to Weave Into the Dream of the Earth
This meditation practice from Seasonal Herbalism helps you to connect deeply with the Dream of the Earth, to awaken your ability to dreamweave with the Earth, and pulls you into a deeper sense of belonging within the web of life.
What Exactly is The Dream of the Earth?
What is the Dream of the Earth, how is she dreaming us, and how can we align our dreamweaving practices with her Great Dream? How do herbs help us become more receptive to her whisperings?
What Do Our Earliest Dreams Mean?
What do our earliest dreams mean? As a dreamweaver and dream teacher, I am very very curious about a person’s earliest dreams…
To Remember Why You Came, Dream the World
The best way to learn about dreamweaving is through a dream. Dreams come with instructions from our souls on what is ours to do next. Great Bear is a guardian, protector and dreamer for dreamers, dreamweavers and herbal healers.
You Were Born a Dreamer
Human beings are dreamers. You arrived to this world with the power of dreamweaving.
Remembering How to Remember Dreams
Even though dreaming is wired into our nervous systems, as a people we have grown more adept at forgetting than remembering. The truth is that if we are sleeping, then we are dreaming. On average human beings dream 4-7 times each night.